At the Generation Equality Midpoint event on the margins of UNGA78, a core group of Member States committed to work together and with all stakeholders to mainstream gender perspectives across all Global Digital Compact (GDC) objectives in the forthcoming negotiations and advocate for women and girls’ equal access to and full participation in decision spaces on digitalization.
This included the governments of Finland, Rwanda, Chile, Armenia, Canada, Iceland, United States of America, Mexico, Austria and Georgia.
This call closes the “Year of Action”, launched by the leaders of the Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation at UNGA77, to capitalize on the once in a generation opportunity to build a better, safer and more equal digital future.
The Call to action was announced by Mr Ville Tavio, the Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, who invited all Member States to join this group and express their unwavering commitment to mainstream gender equality and integrate gender perspectives throughout the GDC.
This works builds on successful results of the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which focused on technology and innovation and provided ambitious Agreed Conclusions to promote the regulation of new technologies based on human-rights and non-discrimination, the fair distribution of their benefits and their utilization for the common good.
You can access the full Call to Action here.