Detailed information on the Compact signatory process is available here:
What is the WPS-HA Compact?
As one of the key outcomes of the Generation Equality Forum, the Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA Compact) is an inter-generational, inclusive movement for action on women, peace and security and gender equality in humanitarian action.
More than twenty years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and UN Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), the WPS-HA Compact calls for the redesign of peace and security and humanitarian processes to systematically and meaningfully include women and girls – including peacebuilders, refugees, other forcibly displaced and stateless women and girls – in the decisions that impact their lives.
The Compact will focus on the implementation of existing commitments on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action by:
- Establishing a voluntary monitoring and accountability process to realize existing WPS-HA commitments.
- Strengthening coordination across existing WPS-HA mechanisms, systems, networks, partnerships and capacities.
- Promoting financing for and wider awareness and visibility of the women, peace and security agenda and on gender equality in humanitarian action.
For more information visit or download the Compact pitch deck.
How was the WPS-HA Compact developed?
The WPS-HA Compact builds on years of work on women, peace and security and humanitarian action at the global, regional, national and local level. It has been collectively developed in a multi-stakeholder format with inputs from Member States, UN entities, regional organizations, women’s and youth networks, private sector, academic and research institutions, and participants at the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico in March 2021.
During the development of the Compact framework, working groups sought to:
- Integrate the peace-humanitarian-development nexus
- Reflect the experiences and needs of young women, indigenous and minority groups, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI, forcibly displaced women and girls
- Identify the pressing gaps within the peace and security and humanitarian sectors
- Determine achievable actions Compact signatories can take in the next five years
Who Can Become a Signatory to the Compact?
- Governments
- Women’s organizations and movements and civil society actors
- Youth organizations and networks
- Private sector entities and philanthropic organizations
- UN entities
- Other international or regional organizations
- Academic, think-tank, research institutions
What Does it Mean to be a Compact Signatory?
Signatories are requested to self-select actions from the Compact Framework that they will implement in a five-year period across five issue areas:
- Financing the WPS agenda and gender equality in humanitarian programming
- Women’s meaningful participation in peace processes
- Women’s economic security, access to resources and other essential services
- Women’s leadership and agency across peace, security and humanitarian sectors
- Protection of women in conflict and crisis contexts, including women human rights defenders
Signatories will also be asked to determine the investments – financial, programmatic, advocacy, or policy – they intend to make to implement those actions.
Who are the Compact Board and Catalytic Members?

What is the Process to Become a Compact Signatory?
- STEP ONE: Review the Compact Framework, available for download at
- STEP TWO: Select one or more actions from one or more thematic issue areas.
- STEP THREE: Identify possible partners to collaborate on actions
- STEP FOUR: Outline the level of investment that will be made to implement actions
- STEP FIVE: Go to and register your actions
For more information visit or download the Compact pitch deck.
Related Links:
Click here for the WPS-HA Compact's inaugural event