On 16 March, Generation Equality will have a 24-hour around-the-clock side session at CSW66 to share updates and galvanise momentum for the path ahead for Generation Equality, inclusive of the Action Coalitions, and the Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action Compact. The 24-hour window will comprise side events organized by Generation Equality partners and will culminate with a UN Women led high-level multistakeholder dialogue to provide concrete updates on progress made since Paris and plans for the future. The calendar of events can be found below, and will be updated on a rolling basis - be sure to check back.
The Generation Equality Flagship event at CSW66
Generation Equality High-level Multistakeholder Intergenerational Interactive Dialogue
WHEN: March 16, 2022, 16.00 to 17.30 pm EST
WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_w1FKJR_VTM66atTQ-p5azw . Live interpretation available in French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese and International Sign Language.
ORGANIZER: UN Women. Concept Note and Agenda available here.
The High-level dialogue will provide the opportunity for UN Women's Executive Director to outline her vision for the future of Generation Equality and re-ignite attention and momentum for the five-year journey. The closing session of the Generation Equality side event will act as a powerful 're-set' and recalibration moment for Generation Equality and reactivate its call for further financial, policy, and programmatic commitments to the Action Coalitions to advance gender equality over the next five years. The event will also reaffirm UN Women's plans to ensure invested stakeholders' continued leadership and engagement (particularly civil society, youth, and adolescent girls) throughout the implementation phase. The event will be also an opportunity to reflect, from experience on the ground, the challenges and opportunities to secure bold and accelerated progress towards achieving gender equality. In line with the Secretary-General's Common Agenda commitment to strengthen and accelerate multilateral agreements, the discussion will also provide valuable insights to ensure Generation Equality's 5-year journey becomes a critical catalyst towards fulfilling the promises of SDG-5 and the overall 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Generation Equality and Generation Equality Action Coalition side event sessions
Event session |
Funding Feminist TransformationsWHEN: 16 March 9 am FJT / 15 March 10 pm CET / 15 March 5 pm ET WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yXxiAtK8Q_mqGc4z7ZGt1g ORGANIZERS: Global Alliance for Sustainable Feminist Movements DESCRIPTION: It's been a year since the Generation Equality Forum kicked off in Mexico. While many actors were mobilized through the GEF process to make important funding commitments, it is time to ensure that they are reaching feminist movements, organizations and funds. The Global Alliance for Sustainable Feminist Movements is an emerging multistakeholder initiative that was announced at the Generation Equality Forum (and is a collective commitment of the Action Coalition on Feminist Movements and Leadership) with the express aim of increasing, sustaining, and improving financial and political support for women's rights and feminist organizations and movements. Join us in this session to hear from funders and activists who are making their commitments reality–they'll share lessons learned about what works - and what doesn't–when it comes to funding relationships that truly facilitate deep, transformational impact.
Climate change and impacts on violence against womenWHEN: 16 March 2022, 7:00 – 8:15 am EST WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oumbeAtqS9u2X9n9fBQvpg ORGANIZERS: Leaders of the Action Coalitions on Feminist Action for Climate Justice and Action and Gender-based Violence DESCRIPTION: The side event "climate change and the impact on violence against women" will highlight the linkages between the impacts of climate change on gender-based violence (GBV) against women and girls and identify possibilities and strategies for preventing and responding to GBV in the context of climate change. It will explore how environmental and sustainable development initiatives can better mitigate against GBV related risks and the integration of GBV prevention and response into climate change related policies and programmes, including those which focus on the role of women's rights organizations and women human rights defenders in addressing the impacts of climate change.
Popcorn Power Hour: Building a feminist movement for urgent action, strong powerful voices to ensure bodily autonomy & SRHR of women, girls and vulnerable populations for climate emergency responsesWHEN: 16 March 2022, 8.00 to 9.00 am EST WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mRrRzaIdTEiTa7FkFy0uPw ORGANIZERS: Event co-organized by the Action Coalitions on Bodily Autonomy, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (BA SRHR); Feminist Movement & Leaderships (FML) and Feminist Action for Climate Justice (FACJ) DESCRIPTION: An often-overlooked aspect of the climate crisis is how it intersects with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). There are a range of devastating impacts including, increased levels of sexual and gender-based violence, Reduced or unavailable services in areas affected by climate-related disasters, meaning access to services like contraception, safe abortion care, and STI testing, and treatment is blocked as well as impacts on menstrual health and hygiene. 2 This session brings together a movement of strong feminist Action Coalition leaders, to share concrete actions which must be considered by stakeholders such as International AID Agencies, Governments, civil society, health and care workers.
The Road to Youth-Inclusive Implementation of WPS-HA Compact ActionsWHEN: 16 March 2022 - 8:30 - 10:30 am EST WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qfuqsrDMsGdGM82Oqw4Ar3kYt_FtvVmP4 ORGANIZERS: WPS-HA Compact Board and Catalytic Members DESCRIPTION: The Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA) Compact was launched in July 2021 at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris. As an inclusive and intergenerational platform, the Compact has a strong focus on harnessing meaningful youth engagement through its mandate and actions. The WPS-HA Compact will host an event on the margins of the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women to strengthen the intergenerational dimensions of WPS-HA work and enhance accountability for meaningful youth inclusion, particularly of young women. The event will emphasize opportunities and actions for WPS-HA Compact Signatories.
Towards a Gender- and Climate-Just Economy: Financing the Climate-Care NexusORGANIZERS: Action Coalitions on Economic Justice and Rights & Feminist Action for Climate Justice WHEN: 16 March 2022, 8:30 – 9:45 am EST WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NuS7JZIQTK-PucbypeveEA CO-SPONSORS: Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality, Fiji/Pacific, Global Greengrants Fund, Government of Mexico, Government of Sweden, Government of Costa Rica, International Labour Organization, International Trade Union Confederation, Women's Environment and Development Organization. FORMAT: This will be a moderated, high-level event that will include a panel discussion and Q&A session. DESCRIPTION: The Generation Equality Action Coalitions on Economic Justice and Rights (EJR) and Feminist Action for Climate Justice (FACJ) are joining forces to address the interlinkages between the climate emergency and the care economy. The event will explore ways forward for building a feminist green economy that centres women-led solutions to climate change, with a focus on care work, including care jobs as green jobs, and the potential of climate finance. The discussion will culminate in the announcement of a collective roadmap, to be jointly developed by Leaders of the Action Coalitions on EJR and FACJ, that identifies concrete actions towards an equitable, just and resilient economy that prioritizes the rights and needs of peoples and planet.
Building Commitment on Gender-Responsive Policing and Addressing Violence Against Women and GirlsWHEN: 16 March 2022, 10.00 – 11.15 am EST WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s_wiPfATR9Ww9aD3Bo0tRA ORGANIZERS: UN Women SPONSORS: Government of France; other leaders of the Gender-Based Violence Action Coalition (TBC) DESCRIPTION: At the Generation Equality Forum in Paris, the Government of France and UN Women convened a high-level meeting, at which France announced its intention to establish a network of Ministers and leaders with responsibility for justice and policing, to promote the benefits of gender-responsive policing ('GRP'). The CSW 66 session aims to showcase Member States' commitments and other global good practices on GRP to date, including a vade mecum of best practices developed by France at the European level, and to reiterate the call for collective Member States' commitment in this area under the Generation Equality GBV Action Coalition.
Securing quality education, 21st century skills and the successful transition from school to work in a digital worldWHEN: 16 March 2022, 10:00 am – 11:15 am WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Py40Gxg2RgGIPhDDpGbV4g ORGANIZERS: Leaders of the Action Coalitions on Economic Justice and Rights & Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality SPONSORS: Government of Finland and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) FORMAT: This will be a moderated, high-level event that will include a panel discussion. DESCRIPTION: Despite the recognition that education is a fundamental human right that strengthens labour market outcomes for girls and young women, gender disparities in education are widespread, especially in digital access and competencies. To prepare them for meaningful and equal engagement in decent work, and for the job market shifts yet to come, multi-stakeholder dialogue and cooperation are required. The Action Coalitions on Economic Justice and Rights and Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality will explore actions for catalyzing change by providing girls and young women with the quality education and skills needed to prepare them for the future world of work, successfully transition into the labour force and become leaders in the labour market.
The relevance of care work for gender equality – action for sustainabilityWHEN: 16 March 2022, 11:30 am – 13:00 pm (EST) WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jf0wxqjmR72sAZwvXzqx8A ORGANIZERS: Governments of Mexico and Germany SPONSORS: Government of Argentina, ITUC, ILO, Women Deliver and UN Women on behalf of the Global Alliance for Care DESCRIPTION: This high-level event will feature a multistakeholder and intergenerational discussion on how the Global Alliance for Care can play a catalytic role in promoting the incorporation the care dimension in the social, labor, environmental and economic policies; to bring about transformative change for gender equality and a sustainable and just future for all. The discussion will illustrate the particular relevance of sustainable care systems to successfully tackle climate change and build resilient societies, thus providing a unique opportunity to mobilize multistakeholder engagement and promote investment at scale for care systems and care systems solutions.
Gender Equality for Climate JusticeWHEN: 16 March 16, 2022, 1.00 – 2.15 pm EST WHERE: Virtually hosted. Register here: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Mt3SKxAKReGn4-qAjgV9ow ORGANIZERS: Action Coalition Feminist Action for Climate Justice CO-SPONSORS: Costa Rica and United Kingdom FORMAT: This will be a moderated, high-level event that will include a panel discussion and showcase new commitments for feminist action for climate justice. DESCRIPTION: The Generation Equality Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice is hosting a side event to galvanize momentum, share innovative examples, and surface best practices for advancing gender equality and climate justice. It will showcase frameworks for action and create opportunities for synergies and multi-sectoral efforts towards a global transition to a climate-resilient future with gender equality at its heart. Event poster in English | French | Spanish
Events organized by other Generation Equality partners
Advancing women leaders' role in climate actionWHEN: 16 March 2022, TIME: 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm CET WHERE: Virtually hosted, initiated in Belgium. Register for the event here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cThoYyMsQl-hwWJaGR5r2A ORGANIZER: Women Political Leaders (WPL) DESCRIPTION: Women Political Leaders (WPL) is a co-leader of the UN Women Generation Equality Action Coalition. As both a co-lead and a member of the Action Coalition working group on communications and advocacy, WPL is hosting a moderated panel discussion during the CSW-66 24-hour relay to discuss policies and strategies to combat climate change with women political leaders. This gathering will also serve the purpose of showcasing a WPL advocacy initiative, the SofaGateSeries, to enhance the visibility of women leaders' and actions taken toward climate change.
Trauma Healing for WomenDATE: March 16, 2022 TIMING: 6:30 pm IST/8:00 am EST, WHERE: Virtually hosted, initiated in India ORGANIZER: www.gendersecurityproject.com DESCRIPTION: This session will take a deep dive into understanding how trauma affects women and offers useful solutions for women to rely on to address trauma of any kind. Concept Note available here. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldO-trjgjGtCl1KoyC6xQX36-Q_IZkAOv (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting).
Women's Leadership to Tackle Climate Change & DisastersDATE/TIME: 16 March 2022; 8:00-9:30 am EDT WHERE: Virtually hosted, initiated in the United States REGISTRATION: bit.ly/SGICSW66 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvc-Ghpj4oG9E8KqAr8vg44VVvX2HtZfnP ORGANIZERS: Soka Gakkai International. Flyer available here. CO-SPONSORED BY: Disability Rights Fund, Disability Rights Advocacy Fund and The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights DESCRIPTION: This event will explore how women of all ages in all their diversity are taking feminist leadership in climate and disaster-related issues to help shape a peaceful, more caring and better world. We aim to address this topic with an intersectional perspective. We understand that gender justice is not one-dimensional and see the interconnected relationship in our issues. Humanity’s current challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic provides us with an opportunity to recommit ourselves in working in solidarity, to further strengthen our connections to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
Feminist Climate Action and the Rule of LawDATE: Wednesday, 16 March 2022 TIME: 14:00 – 15:30 Rome/9:00 – 10:30 New York WHERE: Zoom Webinar, initiated in Rome, Italy. Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lF_TEG3WQZy-YwI8mn4IbA ORGANIZERS: This session is organized by the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) with the support of the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations and in partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), American Bar Association (ABA) and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) on the occasion of the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Concept Note available here. DESCRIPTION: This event seeks to shed light on the importance of the rule of law in achieving gender-responsive climate action. In particular, the event will focus on the following questions:
The event builds on IDLO's commitments to the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice and will be informed, among others, by IDLO's Policy Brief on Feminist Climate Action and the Rule of Law (Forthcoming March 2022) and Policy Brief on Climate Justice: A Rule of Law Approach for Transformative Climate Action (2021). Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish.
Empowering Women at the Grassroots through Sustainable AgricultureDATE: 16 March 2022, 8.00 am – 9.30 am EDT WHERE: The event will be hosted on the NGOCSW Virtual Forum for Parallel Events, initiated in the United States. ORGANIZERS: Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea; Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (ECOSOC). Concept note available here. DESCRIPTION: A Moderated Panel event with panelists from different regions of the world presenting on empowering women through sustainable agriculture, incorporating a girl activist on Climate Change and the Digital Divide. Zoom registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqdO-gpzksHdQAWIEuVvlZOM9nfuFfrgW9
Youths-Introduction to Community Development And LeadershipDATE: 16 March 2022, 2.00 -3.30 pm Nigerian Time WHERE: Virtual event, Initiated in Garden Abuja, Nigeria ORGANIZERS: Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association. Concept note available here. DESCRIPTION: Youths are a critical mass in our Country's population. Nigeria has many youths within the age of 18-35 who are out of school, young graduates, either unemployed or unengaged. Most persons in this group are young girls and women. These individuals form over 47 percent of our total population of over 200 million. This has reduced the expected development of the Country and calls for immediate action. The need to create forums to engage, discuss and involve youths to evolve a new movement of self-employment, self-definition, Entrepreneurial skill development, and ICT. This will help in reducing the current tensions, unemployment, and joblessness. This will be discussed during our 24 hours around the clock Generation Equality at CSW66 event. Our youths should be inspired to develop fashion designing, modelling, ICT skills and engage in competitions, trade, and hackathons. Thus, we will shortly grow this program to become a Center for Youths development and leadership.
Climate Change Advocacy at the Intersection of Gender and DisabilityDATE/TIME: Wednesday, 16 March, 2:30pm Eastern Daylight Time WHERE: Virtually hosted, initiated in the United States REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VF8RUC39SL6Nwt0j6s0u3Q ORGANIZERS: Disability Rights Fund/Disability Rights Advocacy Fund, Women Enabled International, and sponsored by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Flyer invitation available here. DESCRIPTION: This event will highlight the impact of climate change and natural disasters on the rights of women and girls with disabilities in the Pacific region, one of the regions most impacted by climate change. During the event, speakers from organizations of persons with disabilities in the region will discuss how these risks compound the effects of gender and disability discrimination leading to higher risk of violence, personal autonomy restrictions, and heightened barriers to accessing SRH services, among other human rights abuses. Speakers will also discuss opportunities and challenges they face in advocating for disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction policies and programmes.
The Effects of Climate Change on GirlsDATE & TIME: 16 March 2022 - 08:00-09:00 AM Eastern time (US & CANADA ) TIME ZONE: 02:00- 03:00 PM Western African time (DRC) WHERE: Virtual event initiated in the Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo ORGANIZER: MA VOISINE. FORMAT: This activity will be moderated by 3 girls DESCRIPTION: The effects of climate change on gender-based violence cannot be underestimated. Climate change has exposed many girls and young women to risks of unpaid work, being raped and domestic violence. We will identify strategies and possibilities so that girls be able in terms of adaption, mitigation and responses to climate change in order to build a more sustainable future. We cannot have climate justice without gender equality. Girls must be at the center of environmental activities in our communities and be useful for the climate cause. Concept Note available here.
A Roadmap for a Country Pact for Equality. Bringing different generations together to reinforce Basque Society's commitment to equalityWHEN: 16 March 2022 TIME: 12:00AM – 13:15AM (Eastern Standard Time Zone United States)/ 5:00PM – 6:15PM (Central European Time Brussels) WHERE: Virtually hosted initiated in Spain ORGANIZER: The Government of the Basque Country. Emakunde, the Basque Institute for Women. Concept Note available here DESCRIPTION: The Beijing Conference and its Platform for Action are the “road map" that the Government of the Basque Country through Emakunde, the Basque Institute for Women, has promoted in Basque society and its institutions, but despite the progress made, equality is still a challenge in many aspects. Based on UN WOMEN's initiative Generation Equality, in 2021, we took a further step in our commitment to equality, reactivating the commitment of our country and our social, political and economic agents in favour of equality through the launching of internal reflexion processes and/or in conjunction with other organisations of Basque society from an intersectional and intergenerational perspective. During this side event, we will tell you how we started and how we managed to bring together almost 100 different entities to reflect, share information and knowledge, and imagine an equal future together. This experience, which is coming to an end, has been very important for each entity, but we also want it to be important for the country as a whole. Through this initiative and as a result of all these experiences, we are working on our country commitment between now and 2026. Register here: https://euskadi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Mn3MEjCfSFuGCFw9k5j13g
From Words to Action: Climate Finance and Gender JusticeWHEN: Wednesday 16 March 2022, 08:30 – 10:00 EDT | Side Event | RSVP via Eventbrite WHERE: Virtually hosted, initiated in Denmark CO-SPONSORS: Denmark, DanChurchAid, ACT Alliance, Christian Aid, Act Church of Sweden, Lutheran World Federation, Bread for the World, FinnChurchAid, Felm, Norwegian Church Aid. Concept Note available here. DESCRIPTION: The climate emergency demands urgent and gender-transformative action. Structural and systemic gender inequalities shape the climate emergency. Unequal participation in formal economies and decision-making processes, limited access to finance and information, and greater domestic responsibilities, compounds gender inequalities. Women, youth and faith communities play a significant role in driving climate action and are critical stakeholders to include in climate-related development finance. Bringing forward concrete recommendations, this Side Event will advocate for the power of gender-responsive finance to turn words into action.
From the Grassroots to the Global: Why Climate Action Needs Women, Religious Actors & Local PartnersWHEN: Wednesday 16 March 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 EDT | Side Event | WHERE: Virtual event initiated in the Canada. RSVP via Eventbrite CO-SPONSORS: The International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development with Canada, Germany, Denmark, UN Environment Programme, and PaRD members, including ACT Alliance. Concept Note available here. DESCRIPTION: Women and girls in all their diversity are on the frontline of the climate emergency. In communities experiencing climate-induced crises, women, religious and local actors are frequently first responders, advocating for policy changes, and transforming social norms. This event will focus on intersectional climate action from the grassroots to the global, and how women in all their diversity, religious and local actors are critical stakeholders in achieving gender equality and climate justice.
Gender Justice in the COVID-19 era: Spotlighting experiences from rural NigeriaWHEN: 16 March 2022 3.00 to 4.15 p.m Nigeria Time WHERE: Virtual event initiated in Nigeria. Register here: https://www.braveheartinitiative.org/zoom/meeting/register/csw66BHI ORGANIZER: BraveHeart Initiative for Youth & Women DESCRIPTION: This event will highlight experiences of young female leaders during COVID-19 and their roles in ensuring girls and women in rural communities accessed justice during the pandemic. The event will highlight Proven-To-Work approaches for gender-responsive programming which is important to mitigate the socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19. The Pandemic led to increase in gender inequalities, economic dependency, legal limitations, gender-based violence and socioreligious biases in rural communities. The panelists are young women under age 40 who will share immediate and long-term programmatic strategies they are using to promote gender justice. These young leaders demonstrate unique passion, braveheartedly disprove age long myths about access to justice, and addresses the structural and systemic discrimination in rural communities. They have been a driving force in leading change in rural communities of Nigeria.
One decade on: How gender-sensitive are our parliaments now?WHEN: Tuesday 15 March 2022, from 10.30 to 12.30 a.m. Eastern Time MAIN ORGANIZER AND CO-ORGANIZERS: Inter-Parliamentary Union, with UN Women. Event initiated in France RSVP/REGISTRATION: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_j-QacAABnX-2vQ--utQ4S0QP2z1_VbXnsUbxA8k0AuSg_w/viewform (registration link for the form in English) AND https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnenmHPkKXVFAwiLFUZVyJ1WXRBl7TGjxReB3COohtk8k5Sw/viewform (registration link for the form in French) DESCRIPTION: To commemorate a decade of Gender-sensitive parliaments and take stock of parliaments’ achievements in transforming their institutions to enable women’s full and effective participation and deliver on gender equality, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UN Women are organizing this event – “One decade on: How gender-sensitive are our parliaments now?” – on the occasion of the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The side event presents an opportunity to assess how gender-sensitive and inclusive parliaments have become, share experiences, good practices and innovations. Discussions will inform future gender-sensitive parliaments implementation and outreach. Additional sponsors, including Ireland, Canada and Sweden, are anticipated. This side event will provide simultaneous interpretation in French, English, Spanish and Arabic. It will be held on the platform Zoom, from 10.30 to 12.30 a.m. ET / 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. CET (In FRENCH) Pour commémorer une décennie de parlements sensibles au genre et faire le point sur les réalisations des parlements dans la transformation de leurs institutions afin de permettre la participation pleine et effective des femmes et d'assurer l'égalité des sexes, l'Union interparlementaire et ONU Femmes organisent un événement parallèle intitulé - " Une décennie plus tard : dans quelles mesures nos parlements sont-ils désormais sensibles au genre ? " – à l'occasion de la 66e session de la Commission de la condition de la femme. L'événement parallèle offre l'occasion d'évaluer à quel point les parlements sont devenus sensibles au genre et inclusifs, de partager des expériences, des bonnes pratiques et des innovations. Les discussions éclaireront la mise en œuvre et la sensibilisation des futurs parlements sensibles au genre. D'autres sponsors, dont l'Irlande, le Canada et la Suède, sont attendus. Cet événement parallèle proposera une interprétation simultanée en Français, Anglais, Espagnol et Arabe. Il se tiendra sur la plateforme en ligne Zoom, de 10 heures 30 à 12 heures 30 (Heure de New York) / 15 heures 30 à 17 heures 30 HNEC Concept note in English available here Concept note in French available here IPU Webpage in English) https://www.ipu.org/event/one-decade-how-gender-sensitive-are-our-parliaments-now IPU Webpage in French) https://www.ipu.org/fr/event/une-decennie-plus-tard-dans-quelles-mesures-nos-parlements-sont-ils-desormais-sensibles-au-genre Focal point: Ms. Marie-Graziella NGUINI (mgn@ipu.org and +41 22 919 41 45)
Lunch and Launch 2022 Fireside Chat: Renewing Our Commitment to Amplifying Women’s Economic EmpowermentWHEN: March 16th, 12pm Pacific WHERE: Virtually Join Zoom Meeting ORGANIZERS: WEE Global Live, Alquimia Global, and former UN Empower Women Champions DESCRIPTION: As part of the 66th session of the United Nations Commission of the Status of Women (CSW66), Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) Global Live and Alquimia Global empowerment leaders proposed to host a Fireside chat along with other CSW member countries and organizations to renew our commitment to amplifying women's economic empowerment and leadership and visibility of women and girls post-pandemic, humanitarian crisis, and armed conflict era. The event is open to all interested in supporting CSW66th women and girls' equality goals. This March 16th, we are hosting a Fireside Chat as part of the 24 hours Around-the-Clock Generation Equality at CSW66: We are launching our 2022 activities by creating the space for our partners to renew their commitment to accelerate women's economic empowerment and leadership for 2022 beyond this post-pandemic and current armed conflict era. We will announce our new ambassadors committed to creating high visibility and relationship building in Policy, Media, Hollywood, Music, and Tech. We will work with specific emphasis to lift the vision and support for the economic and safety challenges women and girls face post the pandemic and refugees of armed conflict around the globe. Concept note available here.
Generation Equality Accountability for Adolescent GirlsWHEN: Wednesday 16 March 2022; 08:30h EST (80min) WHERE: Virtual, hosted via zoom. Please register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6u1phmdSQdWjNKyZnmTjHA ORGANISERS: Ireland, Purposeful, and Adolescent Girls Investment Plan (AGIP); together with adolescent girl and youth leaders DESCRIPTION: This event aims to meet the recommendations from adolescent girls on accountability to girl-centric commitments made during the Generation Equality Forums (GEF). We will explore accountability mechanisms for commitments and investments that centre girls and youth leaders, whilst highlighting possible solutions and recommendations to address challenges, especially with regards to the implementation, resourcing, and accountability of girl-centric commitments. This event builds on GEF commitments made by AGIP and Purposeful, Plan International and the Irish Government under the Action Coalition on Feminist Movements and Leadership, advocating for and supporting the inclusion, resourcing, and leadership of girl leaders in Generation Equality processes. Event invitations in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic can be found here. Social and Economic Empowerment of Women and Increasing Self-EmploymentWHEN: 16 March 5.00 pm-6.00 pm Istanbul time WHERE: Virtual, hosted via zoom. Please register here: https://habitatdernegi.zoom.us/j/95783122981 ORGANISERS: Habitat association DESCRIPTION: As Habitat Association, we support women's economic participation and initiatives and ensure gender equality in all fields. That’s why we develop projects and hold events aimed at empowering women. One of them is My Sister Project. My Sister Project, carried out in partnership with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Habitat Association and Coca-Cola Turkey, to strengthen women's social and economic positions by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills for their participation in economic life and to take an active role in economic development, played an important role in eliminating this inequality. In 2015-2021, it has reached 70,000 women through face-to-face and online training on the My Sister Project in 81 provinces, and 3,590 teachers and 359,000 students with the cooperation of the Teacher Academy Foundation, with the trainings of Tomorrow My Sister. In addition, the project reached 1,700 women with a mobile training truck in the provinces. On the other hand, within the project's scope, 41 women were provided with 1.040.000 Turkish Liras value of grant support, and they were supported to establish and/or develop their own businesses. Success stories from here are documented and published in Exxen. In addition to these, awareness-raising communication campaigns are also carried out. One of them is "What Does It Need?" Unfortunately, many women who want to enter business hear this word. As the project stakeholders, we believe that there is a need for women to touch business life, for women to gain financial freedom and for success stories to increase. That's why, with the “My Sister” project, we support women entrepreneurs with grants and trainings. Because it is so needed!
Gender equality and climate change: Private sector’s solutions in PalestineWHEN: 16 March 16.00 - 17.00 Palestine time WHERE: Virtual, hosted via zoom. Registration link coming soon. ORGANISERS: UN Women Country Office in Palestine and Generation Equality Partners. DESCRIPTION: Recognizing the mutually reinforcing nature between the economic empowerment of women and gender responsive climate change action in Palestine is essential to achieving the aspired change in the lives of women and the society at large, and to call upon all stakeholders to support and strengthen national commitments towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in Palestine. The aim of the side event is to showcase success stories on the engagement of the private sector in tackling climate change and demonstrating good practices of enhancing women’s participation and leadership. The success stories will highlight the ways in which the private sector in Palestine, as a key stakeholder of the Generation Equality Forum, is addressing climate change through adaptation, mitigation, risk reduction and response measures with gender equality at the heart of their solutions.
Dalit Women: From the margin to the CenterWHEN: 16 March 2022 at 09:00 AM Eastern Time WHERE: Virtual, hosted via zoom https://zoom.us/j/97641765047?pwd=QUh5NUNwdmNBSHBkb082emFYcHo2Zz09 ORGANISERS: Association For Dali Women’s Advancement of Nepal (ADWAN) DESCRIPTION: For centuries, Dalit women have been oppressed and sidelined from mainstream social inclusion, economic benefits, and political stakes. But grassroots organization ADWAN and numerous like-minded organizations and individuals have dedicated their efforts to uplift our society’s most neglected women and children and empower them to speak up for their rights, claim dignity and achieve socio-economic liberty. This is a story and struggle of Dalit women and their families, the so-called untouchables of modern Nepal. |