Gender-based violence (GBV), including sexual harassment, is a pervasive human rights issue affecting people in all countries around the world in different settings, including workplaces. More than one in five individuals in employment (22.8%) have experienced some form of violence or harassment at work. Women are particularly exposed to sexual violence and harassment at work, with 8.2 per cent of women compared to 5.0 per cent of men experiencing this form of violence at work.
This publication features discussions on addressing violence and harassment against women in the world of work, primarily emphasizing the significance of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) and Recommendation No. 206 (R206) as key international legal instruments to promote a workplace free from violence and harassment. It highlights the roles of governments, employers, workers' organizations, NGOs, and the private sector in in eradicating gender-based violence including sexual harassment. Additionally, the publication showcases the collective commitments of the Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence and Economic Justice and Rights to combat gender-based violence in the workplace.
You can access the document here.