The Global Adolescent Girl Leadership Town Hall is an initiative driven and organized by adolescent girl leaders from around the world, with the support of UN Women and the 1.8 Billion campaign, youth and adolescent organizations, and other UN Agencies. Its primary focus is on promoting adolescent girl leadership and ensuring girl-led accountability. Each Town Hall event is dedicated to addressing the challenges and opportunities that adolescent leaders face in intergovernmental and multilateral forums. These gatherings provide a platform for girls and gender-diverse adolescents who are 19 years old and under to share their visions, ideas, and messages.
The Global Forum for Adolescents (GFA) Town Hall took place before the Girls Deliver: Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls in July 2023, which will be held alongside the Women Deliver 2023 Conference. Additionally, the GFA will take place in October 2023. This Town Hall will serve as a platform to present recommendations on increasing financial, political, and programmatic commitments, as well as ensuring accountability, with a specific focus on the health and well-being of adolescents.
Learn more about the Global Forum for Adolescents and join the 1.8 Billion campaign here: 1point8b.org