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The Generation Equality Youth Task Force strengthens its membership with new leaders

Today, UN Women’s Generation Equality Youth Task Force, which represents youth around the world, announced the addition of 11 new youth leaders to strengthen its membership.


As COVID-19 exposes the fault lines of gender equality, a strong focus on violence against women at the UN General Assembly

[New York] — With alarming rise of domestic violence reports during the pandemic lockdowns from millions of women worldwide, UN Women convened today a high-level meeting with the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Member States, UN agencies, activists, the private sector and philanthropies. The spotlight was on the urgent need for targeted investments, commitments and innovative new ways of tackling the exponential increase in gender-based violence around the world since the onset of COVID-19.


Call for applications: Expanding the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

The year 2020 is a confluence of anniversaries including the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Conference and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), the five-year review of the Sustainable Development Goals, the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1325, the 75th anniversary of the UN and the 10th anniversary of the creation of UN Women.


Announcement of the Global Leaders of the Generation Equality Action Coalitions to accelerate gender equality

Media Contact: GEFcommunications[at] Arabic | Español | Français  


Announcement: Generation Equality Forum Postponed

As the situation surrounding COVID-19 evolves, the number of people around the world affected by this disease continues to increase. This global public health crisis has direct implications for the Generation Equality Forum and for gender equality and women’s human rights. We recognize that women are playing a disproportionate role in responding to this disease—as caregivers, frontline healthcare workers, community leaders and mobilisers, often at great risk to their health. We stand in solidarity with them.


Message from UN Women: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Update Regarding the Generation Equality Forum Timeline

We have all watched with concern the rapid increase in the numbers of people all over the world, affected by the COVID-19 disease.  The WHO has, on March 11th, 2020, characterized the outbreak of this disease as a pandemic and has called for a comprehensive, all-of-society strategy to prevent infections, save lives and minimize impact.   In light of the current global COVID-19 situation, the timelines of the convening of the Generation Equality Forum are being reviewed.