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French President Emmanuel Macron Meets with UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka to Discuss Progress on Generation Equality Forum


French President Emmanuel Macron Meets with UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka to Discuss Progress on Generation Equality Forum

On the occasion of Equality Week in France, Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, met in Paris with Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women, on Monday, 2 March 2020. The meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of the progress made in the preparation of the Generation Equality Forum, a global multi-stakeholder gathering for gender equality . Convened by UN Women and co-chaired by France and Mexico, in partnership with civil society, the Forum will be kicked-off on 7-8 May 2020 in Mexico City and it will culminate in Paris from 7 to 10 July 2020.

On the Road to the Generation Equality Forum: Second “Design Sprint” Held in Paris


On the Road to the Generation Equality Forum: Second “Design Sprint” Held in Paris

On 26-28 February, members of the governance structure of the Generation Equality Forum together with select representatives from civil society, partner states, UN agencies, the private sector – including philanthropic organizations – and feminist and youth-led organizations, gathered in Paris for an intensive three-day session designed to further the agenda of the upcoming Generation Equality Forum in Mexico City and Paris.   

La Directora Ejecutiva Adjunta de ONU Mujeres, Anita Bhatia, asiste al Foro de París sobre la Paz.


UN Women Deputy Executive Director Anita Bhatia attends Paris Peace Forum

UN Women Deputy Executive Director, Anita Bhatia, attended the Paris Peace Forum, an international event on global governance issues and multilateralism, on 12 November, to discuss the upcoming 2020 Generation Equality Forum. The Forum is a civil society–centred, multi-stakeholder, global gathering for gender equality, convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France.


Participants in the Africa Beijing+25 review call for implementation of the commitments made 25 years ago

In 2020, the world will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action the most visionary agenda for women’s rights and empowerment everywhere.

À Genève, les États membres et les défenseurs de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes appellent à des mesures urgentes et efficaces pour accélérer l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes


In Geneva, Member States and gender advocates call for urgent and effective measures to accelerate gender equality

From young gender equality advocates to high-ranking government officials, key stakeholders from North America, Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia called for the urgent realization of women’s and girl’s human rights and for turning the commitments to gender equality into reality.

Les femmes leaders se mobilisent pour la campagne d’ONU Femmes pour Génération Égalité


Women leaders galvanize for UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign

At a high-level event during the 74th UN General Assembly, UN Women and the Council of Women World Leaders came together to lend their voices and power to the Generation Equality campaign.

Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes : du Partenariat de Biarritz au Forum Génération Égalité Pékin+25


Gender Equality: from the Biarritz Partnership to the Beijing+25 Generation Equality Forum

At this side-event, leaders and gender equality advocates took stock of the gender equality outcomes of the Biarritz summit and the work of the Gender Equality Advisory Council, and officially introduced the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico in May 2020 and in Paris in July 2020 to the international community.