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From G7 to Generation Equality, partners galvanize for gender equality actions


From G7 to Generation Equality, partners galvanize for gender equality actions

At the  74th UN General Assembly, leaders and gender equality advocates from around the world came together to look ahead to the Generation Equality Forum in 2020 and to take stock of the gender equality outcomes of the G7 Biarritz Summit.


UN Women announces Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

The year 2020 will mark several important milestones for gender equality and sustainable development, including the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, one of the most comprehensive blueprints for women’s rights worldwide. UN Women is determined to make sure that young people are in the driving seat of these galvanizing moments and contribute to all stages of the global review process and the generation equality campaign.


Rwanda's Leadership in Technology & Innovation for Gender Equality

UN Women Rwanda – in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion – recently convened civil society, development agencies, government, media and the private sector to take stock of progress towards Generation Equality commitments.


Generation Equality Forum hands down mural in the heart of Mexico City

Mexico City, April 24, 2021 - Mexican artist Adry del Rocío painted the mural “Flying in Sorority” curated and produced by Street Art for Mankind (SAM) as part of the Generation Equality Forum closing ceremony.  The piece, which aims to recognize Mexico’s feminist movements in all their diversity from a historical perspective, and call for action towards gender equality, is inspired by the aspirations of youth and will be Generation Equality’s legacy in the first city to host this international Forum.


Eliminating Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

Gender-based violence (GBV), including sexual harassment, is a pervasive human rights issue affecting people in all countries around the world in different settings, including workplaces. More than one in five individuals in employment (22.8%) have experienced some form of violence or harassment at work. Women are particularly exposed to sexual violence and harassment at work, with 8.2 per cent of women compared to 5.0 per cent of men experiencing this form of violence at work.