Significant progress has been made on the structure of the Monitoring and Accountability Framework of the Action Coalitions. The Framework will ultimately be hosted as part of an online platform due for launch in September 2022, which will be simple, transparent and accessible, clearly demonstrating where the Action Coalitions are driving change and facing roadblocks or challenges.
As part of the process of building out the Action Coalitions Monitoring and Accountability Framework, UN Women had led extensive consultative processes with partners through a public online consultation on the blueprint target indicators with more than 250 global responses, and 13 consultations with stakeholder groups across the Action Coalitions. Learn more below.
Open consultation on the global indicator framework for monitoring the targets of the Generation Equality Action Coalitions
The consultation on indicators for Action Coalitions Targets was open to all Action Coalition stakeholders, governments, civil society, youth-led organizations, private sector, UN agencies, academia and others. The consultation period was 6 - 24 December, 2021.
Participants were encouraged to provide their endorsements for current indicator proposals and/or alternate indicator proposals (if any) and other relevant feedback. At the conclusion of the consultation, 273 inputs were received from 70 organizations. The final indicators selected to monitor the Action Coalition Targets, along with a full transcript of the contributions received, are available below, as are a set of frequently asked questions about the process.
Next steps
Now that the consultation is complete, UN Women will work closely with indicator custodian agencies and other data producers to have a clear understanding of the data currently available, frequency of data collection and what disaggregation is possible. Metadata and baseline data will be uploaded to the Generation Equality website as it becomes available.
Read the:
Final indicators for global targets here | Transcript of consultation here
Stakeholder Consultations
In September 2021, UN Women held 13 consultations with different stakeholder groups in the Generation Equality Forum process as part of a listening tour, including governments, civil society, youth, international organizations, foundations, the private sector, and adolescent girls. These consultations gave leaders from each sector the opportunity to share perspectives and priorities for the Action Coalition accountability framework, provide feedback on proposed elements, unpack stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities, and explore barriers and enablers for accountability.
The consultations marked an initial step in the journey of designing the accountability framework for the commitments made to the Action Coalitions, which were launched at the 2021 Generation Equality Forum. Over the coming months, UN Women will convene additional multi-stakeholder consultations to design and seek agreement on tools to ensure accountability for commitments, monitor progress towards blueprint targets, and compile stories of change.
The discussions were dynamic, forward-thinking, and highly informative in revealing the top priorities of Action Coalition partners in developing the accountability framework. A report summarizing the rich perspectives arising across the 13 sessions can be accessed below. Available in five languages, it delves into the areas of agreement and divergence in partner viewpoints and lays out recommendations for the journey ahead to collectively develop and define accountability for the Action Coalitions.
Read the report in:
English | Spanish | French | Russian | Arabic