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Action Coalition Leaders on Technology and Innovation unite and call for bold, collective solutions to spark a gender-diverse digital reset

The World Economic Forum Davos Agenda is taking place from the 25th to 29th of January and is this year embracing collective action by public and private partners for bold solutions to improve the state of the world and manage the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.

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“Shifting power: Multi-layered inclusion and intersectionality”: Explore the outcome report from the first GEF Curated Discussion.

As part of the journey leading up to the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) in Mexico City and Paris in 2021 UN Women is hosting the GEF Curated Discussions, a series of multi-stakeholder, multi-generational gatherings to foster dialogue among gender advocates from around the world. The Curated Discussions will address and provide insights on topics of relevance that will inform the GEF, including tangible recommendations for the design of GEF events and programming, as well as sharing of best practices to foster movement building for gender equality.


UN Women launches a Youth Journey to Generation Equality

Generation Equality celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action engaging the new generation in the fight for gender equality. Since its inception, UN Women's efforts have been focused on placing young people at the center of Generation Equality to make sure that they are in the driving seat of all galvanizing moments and processes.


The Paris Peace Forum and the Finance in Common Summit emphasize the importance of Generation Equality in building back better from COVID-19

November 2020’s Paris Peace Forum was an opportunity to highlight the critical role of the forthcoming Generation Equality Forum to center gender equality in ‘building back better’ from Covid-19. From 11 to 13 November 2020, representatives from governments, international organisations, civil society, private sector, financial institutions and more, gathered virtually through the Paris Peace Forum, an annual international event on global governance and multilateralism.


Generation Equality Forum: A Call to Action for the Private Sector

More than 25 business and private sector leaders gathered last week for a virtual roundtable hosted by UN Women and the Governments of France and Mexico to:


Mobilizing action for impact: The Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action Compact

As part of the Generation Equality Forum, and in commemoration of  the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security, a virtual high-level event held on 27 October, announced Board and Catalytic Members of the new Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action.


Generation Equality Forum Hosts First Curated Discussion

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